Resources for Our Partners

Data Collection and Analysis

Use the American Immigration Council’s Map the Impact to get comprehensive immigration data by state, county, metro area, and district. This interactive map can show you data on the:

  • Number of immigrants in any given area.

  • Immigrant share of the population.

  • Amount of taxes immigrants pay. 

  • Immigrants’ spending power. 

  • Number of eligible immigrant voters.

CDSS forums

Throughout the year, the California Department of Social Services presents forums in different counties for service providers for immigrants and refugees. For more information and to register, visit here., a project of Solvera, connects refugees and providers across California to centralized information and resources.

Refugee Health Support Team

The Refugee Health Support Team provides comprehensive support to grantees of Afghan Refugee School Impact—Support to Schools (ARSI—S2S) and Ukrainian Refugee School Impact (URSI). The team offers a variety of services tailored to meet the linguistically and culturally responsive academic needs of Afghan and Ukrainian youth and their families.

Areas of Support

  • Individual consultations: Partnering with local education agencies (LEAs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) for strategic planning

    • Our team of native speakers offers translation support to Dari, Pashto, Ukrainian, and Russian of already translated educational materials, forms, and communications to ensure cultural and linguistic relevancy 

  • Presentations and Webinars: Supporting school staff, CBOs, and community members with best practices for supporting refugee children and families 

    • CIRH’s sessions educate school staff, CBOs, and community members on best practices for supporting refugee children and families 

    • Sessions cover mental health support, cultural sensitivity training, trauma-informed care, and other topics

  • Resource Connections: Providing access to relevant tools and resources for refugee children and families

    • Resources include healthcare services, legal aid, community programs, and basic needs support

To request a presentation from the Refugee Health Support Team at your organization, please fill out the Training Request Form.

Downloadable Resources