The Center for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CIRH), a center of the Public Health Institute (PHI), is at the forefront of evidence-based, culturally congruent, and community-driven projects to promote and improve the health and well-being of immigrants and refugees. 


Our mission at CIRH is to actively bridge gaps in public health programs for immigrants and refugees. Drawing from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds, we commit to providing comprehensive, high-quality programs tailored to the unique needs of these communities. Through education, advocacy, and direct support, we empower our target communities with essential knowledge and resources, so that they may not only survive but thrive in their new environments. In all endeavors we uphold the principles of equity, compassion, and excellence, championing a brighter and healthier future for every immigrant and refugee. 


We envision all immigrants and refugees, irrespective of their origin or circumstances, having equitable access to high-quality healthcare and healing. We serve to create a future where all are empowered with the knowledge and resources needed to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.